Magic is Real.

Holistic Healing & Guidance
Blending psychic arts, science & archetypal wisdom

Problems & crossroads can become doorways into the unknown… 
And invitations to greater wholeness, liberation and evolution.

I help spiritually-inclined, complexity-minded people at all stages of life through psychic readings, energy & spirit work, astrology, holistic coaching and professional mentoring.  

Clients seek me out to deepen their self-understanding, and to navigate decisions, relationships, projects, careers, life transitions, energetic boundaries and all manner of stuck places — from a systems-lens that honors each of these as points where our soul has a chance to come into the world more fully. 

I do this work to help us (re)claim our soul’s purpose to being on planet Earth as a spiritual adventure.  

My Services

Psychic Readings

Energy Healing & Spirit Work

Holistic Coaching

What Clients Say

Hi, I'm Karin. 

I'm a psychic reader, energy healer, astrologer, spirit worker and psycho-spiritual coach and mentor.

Why I do this work: Life as a Spiritual Adventure 

Spiritual adventure? 

Let's unpack that a bit. There are three big tenets that guide the work I do. 

Number one is capital-M magic: 

Magic, for me, is a shorthand to describe the complex reality of belonging in a living, loving, singing, communicating, enchanted, wild (multi)verse, where Consciousness is capable of creating untold phenomena that go far beyond what our culture typically considers real or possible.  

Navigating all this can be mystical and ecstatic, or can leave us floundering and confused, or both!

Two — each and every single one of us  holds a unique piece of the puzzle that is Earth’s future, and it’s up to us to develop that puzzle piece with care and awareness, and connect it with the pieces others hold. 

And three — 
The real "Matrix" is the one that keeps us believing that the Cosmos is mechanistic, reductive, and ultimately random and meaningless — and that death is the ultimate end.  Liberating ourselves from that paradigm as a collective is essential for our health and that of all beings in the web of life. 

How I Work

Psychic Intuition

We always inhabit more than one dimension: we exist here in the concrete, physical world and in the subtle dimensions of spirits and energies at the same time. 

Psychic sessions focus on bringing the subtle dimensions to the forefront. This helps to reveal truths, root causes and deeper perspectives on our important questions and issues. 

I tune into my psychic faculties to delve into your situation from a holistic, spiritual view, particularly through clairvoyance (the ability to perceive subtle energies visually or in our mind’s eye), clairsentience (psychic sensing or empathy) and claircognizance ("pure knowing"). 

We can address questions about your personal growth, relationships, business & career, wellness, and any other arenas where you need that deeper understanding and resolution — with a focus on what will bring the highest alignment with your soul at this time, and the highest good for all involved.

 Psychic Healing & Spirit Work

In healing sessions, we work together in simple, powerful ways using clairvoyance – seeing energy and images that illuminate the subtle patterns at play. In this way, we use the creative power of the imagination as an active “superpower” to direct energy, call in support from spirit guides, and more. 

Healing work with me can include coaching you on how you can apply energetic or body-mind tools relevant to your situation, so that you’re empowered to continue the process going forward. 

Actively working in the subtle realms for positive change can also involve healing our relationship with spirits of loved ones who have passed on or to negative or troubled energies or entities. I work with a compassionate, comprehensive approach for spirit detachment and clearing whenever these are called for.

Coaching Grounded in Your Unique Soul Map

Our soul, calling to us through our heart’s dearest longings, as well as through quiet and loud nudges seemingly coming from the outside — stuck places, situations that seem to repeat, positive and negative coincidences, even crisis, loss and illness — is always calling us to bring forward its deep-held gifts. 

In coaching, we'll draw from the branch of astrology known as "Evolutionary Astrology" to help clarify and support your unique way forward in a comprehensive, yet accessible way. 

Evolutionary astrology is an information-rich blueprint that gives our conscious mind logical ways to follow the direction that our soul is pointing in. This is not about cementing a rigid, static idea of “who you are/ what you are like” based on your signs and planets. 

It IS about pinpointing the archetypal themes that your soul is here to immerse itself in.  That's a big enough playground for you to put your own flair and spin on  while giving you a clear direction on what to put your energy into and what to let go of or leave behind. 

This form of guidance makes an excellent counterpart to psychic sessions, as it helps our “left-brain” catch up to and unpack what shows up in psychic sessions for deeper integration.

Rooted in Evidence-based Science and Relational Wisdom

Our culture has a long history of putting things in either/or terms: intuition vs. intellect, spirit vs. body, emotion vs. logic... the list goes on and on. 

Luckily, as a collective, we're breaking down those false dichotomies in favor of the wisdom that we need all forms of knowing to build a healthy world. 

My work honors this understanding by drawing from evidence-based disciplines , as well as wisdom traditions, even as we dive into the subtle energetic realms.  In the spiritual and psychic dimensions, I lean on insights from rigorously researched consciousness science,  from researchers such as Dr. Dean Radin,  Dr. Debra Lynne Katz, Dr. Beverly Rubik, William Bengston, and countless others. 

Additionally, in my studies and background I've focused  intensively in relational neurobiology, the science of trauma and attachment, the psychology of neurodivergence and giftedness (high ability), systems theory, and somatic (body-mind) disciplines. 

What all this means for our work together is that I bring a rich, grounded, multi-disciplinary and nuanced understanding to our sessions — all in service of grounded, real magic. 

If you resonate with what you've read so far, here are some ways we can connect:

1. Like words?
Explore the resources I share on the blog 

2. Book a standalone session, such as a reading or healing

3 . Get in touch to see if we're a fit for short or long-term healing or coaching work together

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