Psychic Readings with Karin

What is a Psychic Reading?

A psychic reading is an intensive, hour-long to 90 minute session. Clients share that these sessions are deeply intimate and transformative.

During this time, I will attune to your spirit and energy using my intuitive abilities, primarily: 

  • Clairvoyance (the ability to perceive subtle energies visually or in our mind’s eye),
  • Clairsentience (an umbrella which describes the psychic counterpart of bodily sensations and emotions),
  • and Claircognizance (“pure knowing” —  think information downloads). 

These are abilities we all have, which I have honed through training and practice to be able to provide useful guidance. 

With the aid of these skills I will communicate to you, from a meditative state, whatever is most meaningful for you to know at this time. We’ll discuss beforehand whether you’d want me to focus on specific questions or if you’re wanting a broader reading, or both.

A good way to think about a reading is, exactly as the word reading implies, that I’ll be decoding, “reading”, the energetic patterns that stand out the most at the time of our session. These can be patterns in your energy field, in your relationships, in your career,  any “mysteries” that you’re needing more clarity on,  and any aspect of your life or experience that you’re needing to understand better from a wholeness-based perspective.

When is a reading helpful or called for?

At the most basic level, a reading is helpful when there’s something you’re wanting to know, learn or understand: whether that’s a question you can clearly put into words, or a vague “???” you carry in your heart. But there are more dimensions of a reading to take into account, and I’ll aim to outline some of them here:

I believe (from experience both giving and receiving readings) that the act of receiving a reading can be, at an essential level, helpful, uplifting, and even healing. It can raise our consciousness, just through the experience, even if the outcome isn’t perfect or exactly what we hoped for.

This effect isn’t something we have an equivalent for in our everyday culture, however, I believe that our psychic senses create a subtle but palpable degree of coherence, as they witness a situation with positive intention and compassionate attention — even before any answers emerge. Coherence is about bringing unification to disparate parts of a situation, or even within ourselves.

In some ways, this is similar to the feelings of relief and the spontaneous inner expansion we can feel when we are witnessed by another person, and feel fully heard or seen. Yet there are differences in that a reading is not quite a dialog, and the witnessing is happening on levels that the “readee” might not even consciously aware of.

A reading, at its core, is about bringing that which is hidden from view, murky or unclear into the light. This might mean bringing up unconscious information into conscious awareness. It might entail clarifying which of the energies and agreements currently in your energetic and relational space belong with you and which don’t. It might mean putting a spotlight on some objective reality that you’re not yet able to see fully —which might involve, even, events in the future or the past.  Often, what’s being brought into clarity are your own soul’s longings, desires and impulses. The act of bringing them more present causes everything else that felt muddy or confusing to fall away.

As a result, a reading can help by creating a bridge of understanding between our Soul and our spiritual and internal reality, and our external, objective world. Here are some examples of what that could look like:

A reading can be a great way to go when we are facing a mystery or big question in our lives, and we either are unsure if the answers we’re coming up with are fully aligned with us (or fully true in relation to our context); or we feel blind or stumped as to how to make sense of things. For a great many of my clients who reach out with a big mystery, the question they bring is “what am I here to do on this planet? What is my soul’s purpose?”. A reading certainly can help make inroads into “owning” what our heart and soul most desire to learn, be, create, experience and express while on this Earth.

A reading can help us hone in on the most relevant focus for us at this particular place and time. Say you have a broad intention, such as “how can I live a more joyful life?”. You might have a lot of facts on what might make you more joyful, but a reading can reveal the most relevant actions specifically for you here and now, in context, rather than in the abstract.

In the same way, a reading is also helpful as a way to map the way forward and learn about how to implement some next steps— whether that’s on a personal goal, during a time of transition or important life decisions, or how to heal or deepen a relationship with someone else, just as some examples.

A reading can be a useful process to help us see something we already know, but having it mirrored from a higher level of consciousness, or a more inclusive perspective.

Last, but not least, a reading is an excellent way to check in with our spiritual development to find the theme or themes that we’d benefit the most from exploring, healing, integrating and learning.

These examples are by no means exhaustive, as a reading is a very versatile space we can apply to all manner of life questions and mysteries. If, after reading this section, you’re not sure if a reading would help you, be sure to contact me and we’ll evaluate your situation.

What to expect during the session

The session follows a rough structure where we first have a brief check in, then I will attune to your energy, and then the reading itself begins. I may use some techniques from my toolkit to get the information flow going, and then I will be narrating to you what I’m seeing and feeling, including any spirit messages that may come through. 

During this time you can sit back and take it all in, as I’ll be doing most of the talking. Don’t worry though, I’ll make space for you to chime in with questions through the process. 

Typically I’ll see a mixture of literal and symbolic images, and for some clients. As the reading progresses, it’s my job to “probe” or explore the symbolic ones to let them reveal their meaning to us. 

The symbolism doesn’t need to make sense to you at all, although it might — if you think about clairvoyance as a little like a dream, the symbols are my own unconscious mind’s way of communicating the energy it’s picking up on. What matters most is that I unpack it in a way that yields meaningful guidance for you. 

Toward the end, if you so desire, I’ll take a few minutes to direct healing energies to any difficult or imbalanced areas that have come up during the reading that you’d like extra support on. 

Lastly, we’ll do a final check in where you can share with me anything you’d like to share about your experience of the reading or the flow of information you’ve received, ask me to clarify any final points or consolidate any “homework” or follow up that would be helpful for you to do after the reading to integrate. 


If we’re meeting online, we’ll be on a zoom call together, and we’ll have our cameras turned off. This helps me minimize any distracting visual input, and helps me ensure that I’m not unconsciously leaning on visual cues from you. This helps me keep my conscious mind focused on the psychic information I’m receiving on your behalf. 

It’s best for you to be in a quiet, undisturbed space for our reading, where you’ll have a solid internet or phone connection. You’ll be able to record the reading if you prefer, and many clients benefit from being able to listen to the session again. 

Prior to our reading, I prepare myself to work with you and open up my psychic channels. I’ll be taking time to meditate and harmonize my own energy field, so as to show in the best possible way. 

If you have a meditation practice, you can also prepare yourself prior to a reading by taking 20 minutes to meditate and center yourself. Even if you’re not an experienced meditator, simply looking up a guided meditation or progressive relaxation that you enjoy and letting yourself be guided into a calm space can enhance your experience. This is, however, completely optional.

What questions or topics can I bring to a reading? 

You can come to a reading with clearly defined questions, but you don’t need to, although in general I find that a strong intention creates a stronger signal, so to speak. You don’t even need to be able to explain that intention, as long as you feel it. 

Topics we can cover include, but aren’t limited to: 

  • Soul path and purpose (which very often connects more than anything to what you truly desire to do/be/create!);
  • Decisions and turning points; 
  • Life transitions; 
  • Relationships of all kinds; 
  • Clarifying the underlying cause(s) of limiting beliefs, unhelpful patterns and dynamics; 
  • Career and business; 
  • Energetic correlations of physical pain, discomfort or other health-related issues;
  • Expanding your joy and creativity; 
  • Paranormal or mystical phenomena you’re experiencing; 
  • Discerning energies that belong and don’t belong in your space for greater balance;
  • And more

Do I need to give you background information about myself prior to a reading?

All I really need from you is your preferred name – I typically ask for your full name but even a first name or nickname is OK. If you’re using an alias for any reason, that’s OK, but please let me know it’s not your real name in advance. 

If you have specific questions, that calls for you sharing a little more than only your name – but it doesn’t have to be much. For example, if you’re wanting a relationship reading, we’ll get straight to the point if you tell me that that’s what’s most pressing for you. Still, you don’t have to tell me anything about them or your relationship for the reading to “work”.

Accuracy and Future-telling

I’ll be bringing all of my presence, attention and intention to support you and help you navigate the questions or concerns you’ve brought into our session. However, I cannot promise you that you’ll always be 100% satisfied with a reading, for many reasons. Here are some the important considerations to keep in mind: 

  • No psychic is totally accurate, and I don’t claim to be, even though I’m ongoingly developing and strengthening my psychic “muscles”. I can be wrong in the information I communicate to you in a reading. Readings are a matter of perception, and if you think about how much our perception and interpretation of what we see/feel/touch/hear differs from the next person in regular, everyday matters, you’ll quickly realize that psychic perception is no different. 
  • Sometimes what I communicate to you in a reading isn’t yet known to you or hasn’t emerged into your conscious awareness, so it doesn’t “make sense” yet. Feel free to put information m a reading on the shelf in case it makes sense later. 
  • The future develops based on our choices and free will, so any future possibilities I perceive for you in a reading are only potential and can be changed based on your actions and those of others.

Ethics and Compassion 

My focus as an ethical psychic reader is to be compassionate and non-judgemental, and to communicate exactly what I perceive. 

During our reading I may perceive things that are challenging to hear, that face you with something you are struggling to confront head-on, that fall on a blindspot you might have, or that simply don’t make sense why they would not be in your highest interests if you’ve needed to normalize them. 

I hold my clients in the highest regard and aim to present challenging information with a balance of directness and sensitivity. As a psychic reader, I see you from the perspective of your spirit, which is a part of you that’s completely whole, beautiful and shining. If I have something challenging to share in-session, it’s always against that backdrop of your deeper wholeness and worthiness, and never in judgment of you, or minimizing your struggles. 

And still, at times the information I perceive might come with a strong indication to make changes, step up in responsibility, see things from a more mature and holistic lens, or to distance yourself from detrimental situations. In these cases, always, the choice rests with you! 

Another thing to note: I don’t condone using readings to gain information meant to take advantage of, harm, gain power over or manipulate a person or situation. Thankfully, this is very rare in my world. In such a case, I’ll immediately terminate the reading. 

A reading doesn’t replace or provide professional medical, legal, psychological or financial advice, but is meant to complement any common sense and professional approaches to any issues you may be experiencing. Especially if we do a health-focused reading, that doesn’t constitute a medical diagnosis — you should still get checked by a doctor.

Frequency of Readings

In general, readings are standalone and not intended to be used as an ongoing support modality (unlike therapy or coaching). My very rough rule of thumb is that we don’t have more than one every six months.  

In some cases, however, doing two or perhaps even three sessions in shorter intervals does make sense — especially if you’re looking to understand several different areas of your life which don’t overlap. For example, we could do one reading dedicated to your career goals and a separate one focused on your relationship with your children in short succession. However, after we’ve covered those various areas, then it’s your turn to take the insights from the readings and apply them!

Which brings us to the next part — integration.


Often, clients feel they need a bit of extra time, care and attention to bring the insights from a reading “down to earth”: to make sense of it all more fully, or to translate the guidance and symbolic images that showed up during their session into practical action steps. 

I sincerely recommend you take the extra time to this, in whichever way that makes most sense for you. In other words, don’t skip this part!

Some clients like to plan in extra time to journal or be creative, spend time in nature, have some bodywork, or talking it all through with someone who gets your process and will be truly supportive. 

Integration is something we can do together in a follow up session or series of sessions, for instance in a coaching or consultation format. You absolutely don’t need to come back for another session with me after a reading: they are fully self-contained. Still, some clients prefer to have the extra guidance for integration. If that’s the case for you, we can explore together if I can help you further through one of my other services. 

Still have questions? Contact me