Meet Karin

The Roots of My Work

I have been helping clients one-to-one through holistic coaching since 2017, offering professional intuitive services since 2021 (and informally from an early age), and teaching/facilitating groups and communities since 2004.

I’m also a professional artist, and when not painting, writing or with clients, you’ll find me in and with nature — gardening, walking and communing with non-human friends.

Without a doubt, I’ve had an eclectic and meandering career (and life) path — guided by a Big Question that’s driven me ever since I can remember:

How do we care for, develop, and live from our soul?

This question, and others like it, burned so hot inside me, I felt practically forced to let go of any semblance of a “normal” life in early adulthood, so as to fully dedicate myself to a spiritual search.

Driven to despair by the callousness, numbness and cruelty I saw around me, the destruction of the natural world and the erosion of our bonds with one another. I was on a quest for a life that would truly put me in right relationship with Earth.

Then one day, during a multi-day ceremonial fast,  I had a transformative experience that radically changed how I experienced being in life.

I was transported into a mystical state where I intimately felt and knew my place in the enchanted, interconnected, loving cosmos.

Thanks to that immersive experience, all I’d believed needed to be “fixed” about me—

The imperfections; the shortcomings I’d learned I’d need to work on long and hard as part of my spiritual path, to one day reach a state of true “attainment”

All of that heavy efforting suddenly fell away, as I experienced the inherent goodness and wholeness of my own soul, and that of every living being on the planet. My very perception remained permanently altered, like someone had “turned on the lights” on the miraculous.

And while that was only the beginning of — I’m sure you can picture it — a very rough reintegration into daily life afterward, I knew I wanted to share what I’d gone through with others. I wanted the people around me to experience that deep level of healing, goodness, and rightness — especially the direct experiencing that, for me, had been key in re-orienting myself. All of this became the heart of my mission in supporting others.

I imagine how much our world would change if we knew intimately the part of us that always dwells in that realm of magic, possibility and searing love, whole and unbroken no matter what kind of life we’ve had. This part of us isn’t only wise and deeply creative: it’s plugged into the whole field of aliveness and possibility.

From these realizations, my lifelong love for all things psychic became an even stronger focus.

I believe our psychic abilities are the senses of the soul. As such, they give us the possibility of tuning into that essential, soul-level layer of reality at will— if we develop them. It is my hope that the connectedness and potential of our psychic capacities will become as accepted and mainstream as our ability to read and write!

Things weren’t easy after this portal into a magical existence opened in my life. Like countless other experiencers of Spiritually Transformative Experiences (also known as STEs, which include phenomena such as Near-death Experiences, Kundalini Awakening, paranormal events, psychedelic-induced experiences and other forms of spiritual transformation), reintegration into “normal” life was rocky at best.

The dissonance and friction of that period, however, drove me to seek out deeper healing as well as integration for my life-long experiences of Otherness, of being “weird” and “different”. After intensive personal and professional studies in the connected fields of high-ability (giftedness) and neurodivergence, I eventually became a coach to support others who’d struggled with disconnection and alienation as a result of the mismatch between their complex minds and neurology, and society’s “normal”. While this is no longer my primary focus as a coach, I continue to draw from this background and welcome clients for whom this is very much a part of their lived experience.

& Relevant Background

  • B.A. Visual Arts, York University

  • Advanced Certification in Coaching, Academy for Modern Applied Psychology

  • Intensive Intuitive Development Masterclass, International School of Clairvoyance (~ 150 hrs. training and practice in clairvoyance, mediumship, remote viewing and healing);

  • Gifted + Twice-Exceptional Psychology & Coaching Training, InterGifted

  • Gifted + Twice Exceptional Qualitative Intelligence Profile Assessments, InterGifted

  • Creative professional: showing personal artwork; creating privately commissioned ceremonial & spiritual work; illustration and design collaborations with holistic practitioners and businesses;

  • Somatic and Relational Neurobiology and Psychology (2014-ongoing), Personal/Continuing Education;

  • Facilitating spirituality, creativity, relational development and nature-based courses, workshops and retreats both in-person and online (2004-2021);

  • Intensive training in animist/ earth-based energy healing and spirit work modalities (2005-2014)—crystal, energy work, spiritual healing, animal spirits, journeying, breathwork, shadow work, aura perception, ceremonial facilitation;

  • Evolutionary Astrology studies, 2018-ongoing;

  • Lifelong practice & personal studies in divination, dreamwork, archetypal and transpersonal psychology, energy healing practice including Usui Reiki, and direct revelation and communion practice;

  • Psychic perception and navigation of altered states of consciousness (lifelong practice and ongoing training);