Holistic Consultations with Karin

What Does a Consultation Entail?

This is the most free-form of my offerings, because the content is dictated by your individual situation!

The duration is typically one hour, although for deep-divers I can accomodate up to 2.5-hour sessions.

These sessions are ideal for clients who have questions and are looking for guidance but are not looking to commit to a typical coaching or mentoring relationship. This is more hands-off, and aimed at giving you resources and perspectives that you can choose to implement in your own way, in your own time.

We can meet just once, or as-needed. Often, one or two hours give clients more than enough to work on for quite a while!

Consultations also combine easily with any of my other offerings: for instance, if we’ve met for a consultation or two and it makes sense to dig deeper, we may do some more hands-on spiritual work in a clairvoyant reading or healing. Conversely, we might meet for a consultation to help you integrate the insights from a reading or healing session. Oftentimes, clients will use our consultation time to focus on their astrological birth chart with specific questions about their present or future.

Commonly Discussed Themes

During a consultation, you’ll hop on a call with me where you can bring up some of the things you perhaps don’t get to discuss openly anywhere else, such as: 

  • How you can make meaning of messages, synchronicities or “signs from the Universe”;
  • What resources, practices and tools might work best for you to support your energetic boundaries and the health of your energy field;
  • How to make sense of unusual perceptions, intuitions, hunches and dreams;
  • Integrating your spiritual path of connection with your psychological or physical healing;
  • Validating and integrating experiences you’ve had in altered states (psychedelics, out of body experiences, near-death experiences, spiritual awakenings, kundalini, etc.);
  • Establishing a practice of communicating and relating with the living and “invisible” beings around you — plants, animals, spirits of the land, spirit guides, and more. 
  • Because of my background working with neurodivergent clients (gifted adults, plus autistic/ADHD and other neurodivergent profiles), many clients reach out to better understand how to weave together their intuitive, spiritual and ecological selves with their complex minds; or how to balance their analytical and their psychic aspects of self.

And these are just some examples. These kinds of sessions can be helpful even if you’re as-yet unsure of what to ask or what’s really going on in your life — if you’re just wanting some guidance and orientation in general, reach out to schedule session, and we’ll find the thread that runs through what’s on your mind and heart.