Blasting open our definitions of “real” and “normal” with the Aquarius New Moon.
Today’s New Moon in Aquarius feels like a blast of fresh air — or a blast of dynamite! The Sun and Moon meet to initiate this upcoming lunar cycle today at at 12:35pm UT, at 9 degrees, 50 minutes of the sign of the Water Bearer.
There’s a lot to be said just for the here-and-now of this moon cycle, as the air hums with anticipation with the energies gathered for this lunation.
With the Sun and Moon in Aquarius loosely conjunct Pluto; Mercury tightly conjunct Pluto; and Uranus, Aquarius’ modern ruler, stationing direct just tomorrow… let’s just say the Aquarian energies are running high.
Cosmic liberation magic is here for us today: support to help us claim our space and right to exist, no matter how different, weird, or uncharted our experience may be compared to others. This is a time to give context and legitimacy to all that which emerges in our inner life which has historically been declared to be “not normal”.
Uranus stationing direct tomorrow from Taurus consolidates this process, orchestrating ways to throw out the window the rules that constrain our right to be our natural selves. If the container of your life feels too small, tight, frustrating; if every solution produces a win-lose dichotomy… that’s your sign that the container is wrong.
Time to go on a search for the right size and shape to hold your life’s mysteries and contradictions! Indeed, right now is a perfect moment to redefine what gets to be accepted in your world as “normal” and “real”.
(Spoiler alert, I’ve been listening to The Telepathy Tapes and I’m excited for how this visionary podcast is helping us do exactly that at a collective level! More on that below).
A good practice for this lunation would be to carve out some breathing space for the feelings, experiences, traits, and patterns that are outside charted and sanctioned norms. In the process, we can inquire into how we want to consciously, purposefully embody those aspects that are under-recognized in (our version of) mainstream narrative.
I say “our version”, because we each have unique, specific places where we feel the oppressive force of opinions, rules, “shoulds”, shaming and social disapproval. This lunation invites us to dialogue with those places, bringing tenderness and acceptance, and even mining for insights from outside the consensus.
These edges where our wild individuality meets the socializing force may feel very different for each of us, depending on how we’ve learned to respond to the pressure. We may feel the presence of an inner rebel— perhaps righteous, or maybe tired, angry or cynical. We may feel fearful, vulnerable or helpless — paralyzed. Or, when connecting with these parts, we may feel their wisdom, and be inspired to claim the next iteration of the singular magic they bring.
In all cases, we hold in our hands an invitation to pull our energy and power back into ourselves. To stand as whole, equal, and deserving of a meaningful life as any other being on our generous Earth Mother.
All that Aquarian Energy Right Now
Aquarius is writ large in this planetary moment. This sign beckons us to individuate — meaning, to undertake the arduous journey to break out of any social molds, pressure to conform, and stale, tired, boring cultural scripts that would force us to abandon who we are at our most natural core.
Aquarius wants to live in authenticity, and speaks to the parts in each of us that have been told that pieces of our authentic selves are “wrong”, whispering,
“Well, what if they’re the ones that are all wrong?”
The Water Bearer has a reputation for being “weird”, and this is exactly why. Because it brings to the forefront traits and parts of us that have been exiled socially for the sake of fitting in. It lives at the edges of what’s acceptable, naming and claiming what we’ve collectively left out of the narrative. For this reason, too, we associate innovation with Aquarius, as new ideas and solutions to old problems are found at the edges of what any given human group considers the established mainstream.
The paradox is that Aquarius wants to work with the group (bringing into the fold the unique insights and visions of potential it’s harvested at the edges), and against the group, wherever it oppresses and stagnates.
To strike this balance in a positive way, it has the innate ability to go against that most instinctual of responses: the need for approval. Specifically, in those places where we’re held hostage by other people’s permission or lack thereof to live our truest life.
In this way, Aquarius is an ambassador of diversity: it knows that each person is a whole world, and that nobody is meant to live as a clone of anyone else. When we hit the right notes in our own Aquarian individuation, we’ll be more than willing to extend the same respect and space to everybody else — hence, Aquarius stands for equality, egalitarian systems, and in mundane astrology is often connected with democracy.
All the above is Aquarius’ liberating medicine — if done right. But we can also come up against the shadow expressions of this sign. There are two that seem especially relevant right now:
One is of the person who never ventures beyond the bounds of conformity, living the life that others have laid out for them. They fail to engage in the difficult path of having their outer biography reflect who they are inside.
The second is the reactive rebel, who makes a great noise about rejecting social rules and constructs. In their neverending battle of being “against” something, they are so fiercely caught up in proving that they’re not like the others, that in practice they become a slave to that which they oppose.
Both of these miss that the point of Aquarius is to live in freedom.
A Holographic Moment
I want to highlight that this lunar moment heralds the coming themes of Pluto making its way through Aquarius for the next 20 years.
Let’s take a hologram, for instance: the cool thing about them is that if you were to divide it up into pieces, each piece would reflect the whole original image, just smaller.
Similarly, with a fractal, we have a pattern created through recursive repetitions of the same basic shape. In each iteration, the repeated pattern mirrors the discrete shape the fractal is made out of:
With these two metaphors, the hologram and the fractal, we’re invoking the idea that the part contains the whole as much as the whole contains the parts.
In this exact spirit, today’s Aquarius New Moon is giving us a fractal or holographic glimpse of the important themes we’ll need to tackle at a soul level, while Pluto is in Aquarius, until 2044.
We might not “get” all that’s being communicated in its full logic just yet, but we’re being offered a download of “the whole via the parts”.
To contextualize a bit more: the Moon in astrology does many things. It represents our heart, our emotional and instinctual self, our mood — and what satisfies us, nourishes us, and brings us joyful contentment. It mirrors our Soul’s felt-sense, the tone and atmosphere of our inner world. What we often forget, though, is that the Moon is our mediator or translator, helping us to grok the energies of all the other planets via our felt experience — to become lived, rather than theoretical, processes.
We’ll spend the next decades unpacking the downloads of information of which today’s Moon brings us the first fractal pieces.
Yet another nudge to spend some time reflecting and recording what’s here now in your world — as we’re likely to see a lot of the very same recurring themes over the next years.
If we stick to our holographic/fractal thinking, our best bet is to identify how the microcosm of our inner world and circle of influence reflect these iterating themes coming up in the greater world. As we integrate the underlying processes within —working with our Soul, Mind and Spirit — we support the liberation and evolution of the whole. Then, any action we take outwardly is inspired and aligned with the principles, “As Above, So Below; As Within, So Without”.
The Telepathy Tapes
I just have to dive for a moment into The Telepathy Tapes, which, in my view, is a perfect (fractal) example of the cosmic and collective energies we’re dealing with.
If you’re not familiar, this is a podcast, created by Ky Dickens. It documents a series of studies and interviews with non-speaking autistic individuals, who communicate with their caregivers, teachers, and each other, via telepathy. Their psychic skills are off-the-charts, yet, however mind-blowing the telepathy part is, it’s only the tip of the iceberg as far as the mysteries of consciousness, connection and spirituality revealed by the subjects and their families.
This is such an incredible example of a marginalized group bringing in surprising, even shocking gifts for the collective, from the edges of consensus reality. The perspectives offered through their generous sharing of their lived experience expand our mental container of what is possible, what is real, and what (human) consciousness is capable of.
I see this podcast, and the overwhelmingly positive reception it’s had, as part of the opening movements of Pluto in Aquarius — coupled with our current shift of the North Node into Pisces, which brings a spotlight on the psychic and transcendent.
I’m reminded, as I reflect on these macro-energies, of the ways that Western culture historically rationalized exploitation of those deemed not to have a soul: whether people from other cultures, or animal, plant and land beings. We’re still carrying that karma, but our evolutionary path out of that legacy will take us on a tour, to show us just how mindblowingly “souled” beings of all stripes and provenance have always been.
With the Telepathy tapes, we’re concretely seeing the re-writing of the narrative that non-speaking individuals are “not actually even there” and “not competent”, to reveal in fact that they have an exquisitely complex inner world, uncanny extrasensory abilities, a shared culture with other non-speakers, and a nuanced social sphere. And of course, many of us will be grappling with the tantalizing questions:
“Wait, you mean telepathy is real?”
“What else are we capable of — that we don’t yet accept as a culture?”
(I myself grew up with telepathy as a reality, so for me listening to this podcast is all about the joy of the individual stories, and the excitement that we’re getting more and more recognition that yes, human beings are magical and psychic!)
Let’s add to the emerging picture that we’re seeing a huge surge in interest in extraterrestrial life (and ET technology, another Aquarian domain). There’s the buzzing idea that Artificial Intelligence could soon become self-aware. Not to mention an enormous surge in interest in exploring psychic capacities as a measurable reality. These, taken together, tell a story of our collective mind expanding to encompass new and surprising definitions of personhood, intelligence, and consciousness. Very exciting times.
Work With Me & (R)evolution Season Specials
As always, I’m available for one-on-one sessions, to support those of you who feel called to work through the above themes and energies in a more personalized way. If that’s you, have a look at my services here, and feel free to email me ( if you have questions, or if you’d like to explore if we’re a good fit.
Over the past year, I’ve been offering time-limited, discounted seasonal sessions. “Seasonal” in a loose sense, as I generally attune to what energies I’m perceiving in the ethers for a period of a month or two at a time.
I’m continuing that trend this year, and I’m excited to invite you to work with me via what I’m calling (R)evolution Season offerings, tailored especially for this time between now and the Aries Equinox on March 21.
As we make our passage through Aquarius and Pisces season, each of these signs are currently charged with evolutionary and change-making potential — some of which I’ve spoken to with this post. I mention above the Hermetic principles of Correspondence: “As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without”. With Pluto in Aquarius, and the North Node making strong conjunctions in Pisces, it’s a great time to invoke these principles in our lives, and turn toward Consciousness as a driver for positive change.
Liberating the Misfit — Psychic Reading
88€/1 hr (regular rate 111€)
This is a psychic reading to support you in embracing your next phase of increased authenticity. Bring any topic or question related to how or why you’ve experienced othering, feeling different, or out of sync with your world — or any crossroads or stuck places around living a more authentic life.
We’ll explore this from a spiritual and soul-level perspective, to give you a clearer understanding, map a path of healing for this aspect of your experience — and very importantly, embracing its gifts.
You Are Psychic — Mentoring Bundle
333€/3 hrs (regular rate 440€)
This is discounted a 3-hr session bundle to give you a boost wherever you’re at with your own psychic development — whether you feel like a complete newbie, doubt that you have “abilities”, or are a seasoned pro with your intuition. We’ll find your edge, identify your strengths, and support you in stepping into the next level of owning and living as your psychic self. These sessions may include hands on practices, exercises, meditations, discussion, and me reading your field to help assess your individual circumstances.
Pluto In Aquarius — Astrology reading
244€/ 2hrs (regular rate 320€)
Over the course of two, separate hour-long sessions, we will pinpoint the key lessons of your natal Pluto placement, and then explore how the movement of Pluto in Aquarius supports and challenges you to a greater wholeness.
While I approach Pluto from an empowering and compassionate lens, we’ll discuss what arenas of Shadow Work would be most beneficial for you to undertake at this time, and that can be confronting. Pluto work always has some ragged edges, so please be sure that you’re in an emotionally steady place if you’d like to sign up for this exploration. If you’re unsure, go ahead and email me ( and we’ll evaluate together if this reading is a good match for where you’re at.