Full Moon in Sagittarius, May 2024

Tomorrow’s Sagittarius full moon brings with it some special blessings. Sagittarius takes both physical and philosophical distance to take in the big picture: what is my place in the story of the world? In the midst of chaos and countless possible outcomes; in the midst of cynicism and shortsightedness, of busy-ness and information overwhelm — what best possible world do I stand for? What is the most generous, expansive, wonder-filled, wise story you can image right now? With the Sun’s trine to Pluto, there’s an element,…

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To Surf the Oncoming Chaos… Lean into Soul

“What is happening in the ethers? Why is everything so intense right now?” I’m hearing this from all directions. In the wake of March + April’s eclipse season, the Jupiter/Uranus conjuction in Taurus, Pluto’s retrograde shift for its finale in Capricorn later this year, and most recently, after the powerful geomagnetic storms giving us stunning auroras throughout the world in the last days — we seem to be feeling an intensity like never before. In his 2006 book Chaos Point, systems theorist Ervin László wrote that…

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Quick Thoughts On our Soul’s Plans for Incarnation

Our soul comes into life on this planet with a layered, nuanced intention or plan of what it desires to experience while here. We come into the world to gather as many points of view as possible, to express our soul’s love for life, our compassion and generative ability, to innovate, and to triumph over attempts and circumstances that hurt us or defeated us in the past — and more. For some, soul purpose might show up in a traditional sense of a “mission” or “calling”:…

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Why Intuition Matters (So Much More Than Our Culture Teaches Us)

You probably know much of this already in your gut, in your bones. But I felt it was important to give words to it, because our Western, colonial and patriarchal culture still makes intuition out to be "nebulous" and "flaky". Here goes... I believe that we exist simultaneously in a body—in a material dimension— and in a spiritual, or consciousness-based dimension. We can call the latter metaphysical, or subtle-energy, or soul-field; etheric planes or 5D (and beyond). I think of both these distinct planes, Matter and…

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Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction in Taurus – April 2024

We are in the portal of another long-anticipated sky event: the Jupiter/Uranus conjuction at 21 degrees of the sign Taurus. (I feel particularly lucky as this conjuction is happening on the degree of my natal moon!). This meeting of two future- and forward- facing planets indicates a new start, the beginning of a new 14-year cycle of growth, surprising new developments and innovation. All astrological events can go “either way” in terms of how we play them out, or respond to their underlying energetic currents. Collectively, we will…

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Inner Fire at the Winter Solstice

Solstice blessings everyone! Even though most of us who track these things celebrate the Solstice on the 21st, in my time zone the astrological Solstice is today, as our life-giving central star crosses over to the first degree of Capricorn. I don’t share this to be pedantic, even though I am a huge nerd about these things, but to highlight that there’s a real energetic threshold we’re crossing — something’s clicking over, it’s not just another day. The sign of Capricorn (if you’re not familiar or…

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Synchronicity: A Deep Dive and Navigation Guide

Today we’ll be delving into the kinds of coincidences that take our breath away, give us goosebumps and make us go, “did that really just happen?” An animal you feel a strong connection with keeps appearing at the same time as important or emotionally charged events take place in your life.You see the same number repeated seemingly everywhere when you’re about to take a pivotal step in your creative or professional development (multiples of 11 are big contenders here, but not the only ones!).A loved one…

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Time-traveling Cat and a Patchwork Quilt of Synchronistic Nudges

In the past weeks, some of my dreams have brought on magical synchronicity cascades, and as we head into this week’s Equinox, it feels meaningful to share one particular saga.It is said that the Equinoxes, which usher in Spring and Autumn, are a time where energies come into a perfect balance. A brief moment in the Wheel of the Year in which daylight hours perfectly equal the dark hours in a 24-hour period.This, right before Light (the energies of growth, expansion, manifestation and rebirth) or Darkness…

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Boar, Panther, Turtle: Mid-year Animist Guidance

This post comes to you in two parts: the first part was born of an animal card reading I did for myself, which felt deeply resonant for some of the current collective energies. The second is a meta-exploration of the more fraught aspects of working with animal symbolism as part of our animist toolkit.  The other day I pulled out my ancient deck of Medicine cards*. This is the oldest divination deck I own: my mother got it for me as a gift when I was…

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Faery-tale Dream and Our Deep Longings

I had a dream this morning that felt more than a little mythical.  In my dream, I got married to a beautiful, tender man who was, in reality, a knight — but he was from the future. For the best chances at a good timeline, he had to travel back in time to meet me, which would help lay the ground for him to face the steep challenges to come in his native time.After celebrating our wedding, I was carried on a quest to solve a…

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