Taking Up Space

No matter how hard we may try to avoid it, I've come to believe we always take up all of the space allotted to us. How we do that makes all the difference. I did a psychic reading for a client not long ago. As I went to look at her energy field, two things became apparent: one, she naturally had a fiery, highly creative quality to her nature. This showed up on my “viewing screen” (in my mind’s eye) as colorful flames all around her.…

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Why Intuition Matters (So Much More Than Our Culture Teaches Us)

You probably know much of this already in your gut, in your bones. But I felt it was important to give words to it, because our Western, colonial and patriarchal culture still makes intuition out to be "nebulous" and "flaky". Here goes... I believe that we exist simultaneously in a body—in a material dimension— and in a spiritual, or consciousness-based dimension. We can call the latter metaphysical, or subtle-energy, or soul-field; etheric planes or 5D (and beyond). I think of both these distinct planes, Matter and…

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Time-traveling Cat and a Patchwork Quilt of Synchronistic Nudges

In the past weeks, some of my dreams have brought on magical synchronicity cascades, and as we head into this week’s Equinox, it feels meaningful to share one particular saga.It is said that the Equinoxes, which usher in Spring and Autumn, are a time where energies come into a perfect balance. A brief moment in the Wheel of the Year in which daylight hours perfectly equal the dark hours in a 24-hour period.This, right before Light (the energies of growth, expansion, manifestation and rebirth) or Darkness…

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