Tomorrow’s Sagittarius full moon brings with it some special blessings.
Sagittarius takes both physical and philosophical distance to take in the big picture: what is my place in the story of the world? In the midst of chaos and countless possible outcomes; in the midst of cynicism and shortsightedness, of busy-ness and information overwhelm — what best possible world do I stand for?
What is the most generous, expansive, wonder-filled, wise story you can image right now?
With the Sun’s trine to Pluto, there’s an element, too, of a calling to acknowledge our power and to use it well. We cannot bow out of choosing and crafting hopeful outcomes: of using our wise minds to find opportunity and possibility. Failing to do so means letting the waves of chance choose the lowest common denominator for us: the boring, the blind and the dystopian.
With this lunation’s ruler, Jupiter, in a beautiful conjuction with Venus at the last degree of Taurus, energies of Beauty, Love, Truth, Generosity, Art and Nature are underscored. We’re invited to take a moment to name, claim, embody and rest in the felt-sense of needs met, of being held in the web-of-life, of being one with nature. Deep down, rooting beyond and inside of everyday life, is the song of Gaia and her abundant, creative flow.
We’re being beckoned to take time out of our regularly scheduled programming to listen. To receive instructions, gifts and downloads. To celebrate that this Earth was created to be a paradise, not a prison — and align ourselves with any steps we need to take to add more of that ease into our life for the coming season. The more goodness we recognize in us and around us, the more we can share with others.
The full moon will take place at 2 degrees 54 minutes of Sagittarius, at 1:52pm UT.