Let’s dream big with today’s Sagittarius New Moon… and let the grace period of the current Mercury retrograde show us what we’re missing.

Today’s bold Sagittarius new moon greets us at 6:21 am UT, at 9 degrees 32 minutes of the sign of the Archer. 

Here’s a Sagittarian principle: “there is more to life than this” — and you can fill in the blanks as to what “more” and “this” means in your situation. 

Sagittarius sees life as a never-ending quest — an adventure. 

The job description, as far as this sign is concerned, is to keep accruing mind- and soul-expanding experiences, to live by the truths in one’s heart of hearts, and to never, ever, get boxed in or bored. 

Hope, faith and optimism are Sagittarian currency.  Without them, we’d never get out the door, open the book, approach the special person, sign up for the course, get in the car and just start driving. A positive attitude toward the future is a precious resource, while the Sagittarian fire will quickly get smothered by any mind-blinders that lead us to assume we already know all there is to know about something, that we’ve got life figured out, or that we just know better, period. 

Whatever the outcome of each step towards a new horizon — whether it ends up being one huge mess or a divinely appointed enterprise — Sagittarius distills the overarching themes of every single leg of the journey, connecting dots between disparate situations, cultures, languages, philosophies. 

The goal is to formulate its very own manifesto of core principles that hold across the board — the Good, the True and the Beautiful. Sagittarian success looks like wisdom stemming from a rich, inspired understanding of what existence is all about; a treasure trove of wild stories to tell; a spiritual connection to something far greater than ourselves; a life lived according to principles, not letting fear, inertia or convenience distract us from what truly matters to us. 

Big New Beginnings

Today’s lunar tapestry acts like the welcome mat to Pluto entering Aquarius, its home for the next two decades. I know you can feel it: the electricity in the air as we stand at the threshold of massive change which we can only imagine — if we can imagine it at all. 

New moons are the time of planting seeds, and right now, the collective seeds bear the stamp of this radical transformation, though we may not see what fruit they bear yet for years to come. Allow yourself to be curious and attentive about what’s making itself known, even so. Sagittarius and Aquarius empower each other to dream bold and different, so this is a very good time to spend some time playing with what a very good future looks and feels like, and adding your creative power to the collective mix. 

Wait, let me re-phrase that. This New Moon, it’s a good time to ask: 

What does an over-the-top, glorious, miraculous, ridiculously amazing future look like? Planetary energies arrive when they’re most needed, and right now at this Sagittarius season, we need a big infusion of creative, expansive hope. 

Luckily, we also have Mercury retrograding through Sagittarius (which began November 25-26 and ends December 15), offering a grace period to allow us to really clear our minds and pick up clues about those seeds of possibility emerging at this New Moon. 

Mercury Retrograde and Blessings In Disguise

Mercury goes retrograde — appearing to move backward in the sky — 3-4 times a year, and I know that people often dread it as the time where “stuff just goes wrong”. 

Items misplaced, appointments canceled or delayed, travel disrupted, emails or payments failing to go through, technology breaking down, processes and systems that normally run smoothly in the background stalling or falling apart. Nobody wants that, right?

Mercury represents our conscious mind, our perceptual systems and filters, our senses, our reason and communication skills. It also rules literal and metaphorical travel and transit, the flow of information and commerce: media, postal services, communications, vehicles, roads and travel routes. When Mercury begins to move backwards in the sky, we might experience disruptions and detours in any of these areas. 

But that’s only a bad thing when you live in a linear, top-down, non-stop productivity-oriented paradigm. 

Instead, we can think of Mercury Retrograde as an assist from the Universe to help us do one or more of the following: 

  • Discover information or errors in thinking we missed the first go-around;
  • Realize we made a mistake and correct course;
  • Clarify wrong assumptions; 
  • Learn something we would never learn unless we got detoured from our everyday, straight-and-narrow path;
  • Pick up on a soul-level lesson we’ve forgotten or haven’t quite integrated yet;
  • Slip free of agreements and contracts that aren’t aligned with our most updated version of our needs and values;
  • Review and integrate experiences; 
  • Slow down to really notice our experience and respond from what’s really true in the moment, versus from our autopilot responses; 
  • Be surprised by facts, messages and connections from left field. 

In a nutshell, updating, upgrading, reviewing, reflecting and consolidating our understanding of things is what Mercury Retrograde is for. 

If you need things to really run smoothly or go according to plan, avoid scheduling critical events or projects during this period. But know that interruptions in business as usual are likely to help us get to something better in the long run, if we choose to align with the energy, slow down, and explore alternative avenues and perspectives. 

With Mercury transiting through Sagittarius, the theme of this retrograde has to do with connecting the dots of experience that help us articulate what we believe in, what gives us faith, how we make meaning. 

With the messenger planet opposing Jupiter in Gemini (the two planets are each in the other’s sign right now, sparking a unique dynamic of integrating felt experience with big zoomed-out ideals and abstract concepts), it’s an especially good time to ask capital-L-Life-questions. We can become more curious about what we might be missing in our inner model of the world that keeps it smaller than it should be. Seeking tangible evidence and real experiences to back our beliefs —rather than them being purely academic — is a good thing right now too. As is taking space to focus on the big picture rather than on busy-ness (especially if you’re in holiday-season-mode). 

What is so essential to you that you can’t live without it? What gives meaning to life? Or, returning to today’s lunar invitation: what’s the biggest, brightest future you can imagine? 

Let’s add to that: even if you can’t get to it now, or in five, or ten years — can you spend time dreaming it, giving it color and substance to the best of your abilities? 

Can you name the feelings and qualities of this vision, even if you can’t describe it in terms of concrete events or situations? 

Even if it feels impossible, can you entertain it? And what does dreaming in this way tell you about your relationship with Life itself?

If you’re someone who’s happy and excited to explore these questions, I hope you’ll spend some time this New Moon doing so — playing, creating and imagining — no matter where it leads, nor whether the answer is tangible and actionable for right now. Letting the vision pull you along is its own kind of magic. 

If you’re someone who struggles to approach such an expansive perspective, then this Mercury retrograde has your back. This non-linear period could be a time to inquire into the state of your heart, and approaching possibility and vision through small gentle steps, sideways, if you will. 

If the optimism or desire to imagine isn’t there, there’s always a good reason — and I’m sure many of you reading might want to smack me over the head at this point and say, “have you SEEN the state of the world? What is there to be hopeful about?!!!”

I wholeheartedly agree that there’s a powerful darkness making itself known wherever we look. And I’d add that darkness is magnetic, seductive, and loves it when we believe there’s nothing else in the world. It’s a delicate balancing act to hold space for the objective darkness out there and continue nourishing goodness and our spiritual connection, our tether to the wonder-filled dimensions, both Earthly and transcendent, that continue to surround us and feed us. I never get tired of the quote: 

Problems cannot be solved by the level of awareness that created them.”

(Fellow nerds, this quote is wrongly attributed to Einstein and seems rather to be from Ram Dass, where he appeared to quote Einstein during a lecture, though it’s hard to say if it originated with him in the first place. It can be found in Ram Dass’ book “The Only Dance There Is”, worded as: “the world that we have made as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far creates problems that we cannot solve at the same level as the level we created them at.”.) 

Mercury retrograde can be a time to be in-process, to be exactly where you’re at without having to have it figured out or be a finished product. To quest inward, rather than outward. When every little thing is malfunctioning around us, the Cosmos is reminding us that this is a time to give and receive grace.

Over To You

How are you experiencing the energy of this New Moon, Sagittarius season, and the final entry of Pluto into Aquarius? Any interesting stories or synchronicities from Mercury retrograde thus far? (Over here, I’m welcoming all of the detours, re-arranging of dates, and general slowing down of things as a sign that something even better than originally planned is on the way… and there’s been a lot of the above in the short days since the retrograde started!). 

Love Your Destiny: New Session Specials

During the months of December and January, I’m offering two time-limited, discounted 1:1 sessions. Guided by the concept of “amor fati” or (discovering) love for one’s fate, I’ll be offering both a psychic reading devoted to clarity around family relationships, and the second is a North Node (our destiny axis) hour-long astrology reading. If the holiday season and incoming New Year has you wanting to dig deeper into either your roots, or your soul’s purpose, these sessions might help. 

To learn more about my services, head on over to my services here — or email me at hello@karineglinton.com if you have any questions or would like to check out if working together would be helpful for your individual situation. I look forward to working with some of you!

Generational Shift – 88€ (regular price 111€)- 60-90 minutes

Family is the stage in which our karmic patterns for this life are set into motion, and oftentimes, family members are working in tandem at a soul level on healing or evolving particular themes. This reading is dedicated to gaining clarity on either a specific relationship with a family member or two, or understanding the family patterns and intergenerational dynamics you were born into, from a spiritual perspective. As many of us spend more time with our families this holiday season, these energies become more present in our field. If you’re looking for some integration, resolution or a deeper understanding around these topics, this reading is for you. 

North Node Astro-reading – 122€ (regular price 160€)- 1hr

The North and South Nodes of the Moon are the destiny axis in our astrological chart. The South Node describes what qualities and experiences our soul has already mastered, even to the point of over-correcting in that direction so much that the soul becomes root-bound, so to speak. The North Node presents the 180-degree shift our soul most wants to explore, learn and integrate to break out of the South Node’s dilemma. During this reading, we’ll laser-focus on your soul’s trajectory through analysis of the symbolism of the nodes of the Moon in your chart. This will help you put your finger on the themes your soul most needs and wants to learn while on Earth.