Quick Thoughts On our Soul’s Plans for Incarnation

Our soul comes into life on this planet with a layered, nuanced intention or plan of what it desires to experience while here.

We come into the world to gather as many points of view as possible, to express our soul’s love for life, our compassion and generative ability, to innovate, and to triumph over attempts and circumstances that hurt us or defeated us in the past — and more.

For some, soul purpose might show up in a traditional sense of a “mission” or “calling”: creating, serving, teaching or developing initiatives at the level of our community or the public.

For others, the plan feels a bit more nebulous.

That makes sense as our culture generally equates purpose = career, and our systems prioritize work and productivity at the cost of connection, embodiment and meaning. But some souls came here to build trust and nurture strong relationships.

Some souls desire to experience joy, fun and spontaneity after lifetimes of extreme discipline and sacrifice. There are souls whose biggest agenda is to alchemize severa past-life trauma into peace and wisdom. Others still have put a whole gamut of desired experiences on their “life curriculum” rather than a single-pointed focus.

In all cases, our souls desire to contribute their unique journey to the whole.

Unlike fast-paced, instant-gratification, individualistic “wants”, soul desires are transpersonal, and by their very nature, connect us to the Greater. They give us personal satisfaction, yes — immensely so.

But on the path to making them real, we are *giving of our deepest heart to others and the world*. Through them, the quality of our presence and actions nourishes life itself.

The way I see it, each and every single one of us holds a unique piece of the puzzle that is Earth’s future. But it’s not a given *what* we’ll do with that puzzle piece.

Do we keep it to ourselves? Do we listen to the voices that say it’s unimportant? Do we put in the time and effort to participate in solving the puzzle?

It’s up to us to explore and develop that soul-piece with care and awareness, and connect it with the pieces others hold.