Booking & Rates
Love Your Destiny:
Discounted Sessions for December 2024/ January 2025
During the months of December and January, I’m offering two time-limited, discounted 1:1 sessions. Guided by the concept of “amor fati” or (discovering) love for one’s fate, I’m offering a psychic reading devoted to clarity around family relationships, and an astrology reading focused on your North Node ( known as your destiny axis). If the holiday season and incoming New Year has you wanting to dig deeper into either your roots, or your soul’s purpose, these sessions might help:
Generational Shift – 88€ (regular price 111€)- 60-90 minutes
Family is the stage in which our karmic patterns for this life are set into motion, and oftentimes, family members are working in tandem at a soul level on healing or evolving particular themes. This reading is dedicated to gaining clarity on either a specific relationship with a family member or two, or understanding the family patterns and intergenerational dynamics you were born into, from a spiritual perspective. As many of us spend more time with our families this holiday season, these energies become more present in our field. If you’re looking for some integration, resolution or a deeper understanding around these topics, this reading is for you.
North Node Reading – 122€ (regular price 160€)- 1hr
The North and South Nodes of the Moon are the destiny axis in our astrological chart. The South Node describes what qualities and experiences our soul has already mastered, even to the point of over-correcting in that direction so much that the soul becomes root-bound, so to speak. The North Node presents the 180-degree shift our soul most wants to explore, learn and integrate to break out of the South Node’s dilemma. During this reading, we’ll laser-focus on your soul’s trajectory through analysis of the symbolism of the nodes of the Moon in your chart. This will help you put your finger on the themes your soul most needs and wants to learn while on Earth.
To Book a Session
To book your session, get in touch by emailing me directly ( or via the contact form below.
Let me know what kind of session you’re wanting to book, as well as your location/time zone. Typically I’ll have availability within 2-3 weeks.
Please note:
I offer a variety of session types to suit many needs & situations. Please have a careful look through the menu of options below, and feel free to email me if you have questions.
Psychic Reading and Healing sessions are available on a sliding scale. I reserve a handful of sessions each month at half price for anyone who needs the discount, for any reason.
If it looks like we’re a good fit, but you’re not seeing the service you’re looking for listed, I may be able to accomodate you, as the modalities I offer are quite versatile.
Get in Touch
I live and work in Salzhausen, Germany, and meet with clients in-person locally, online via Zoom, or by phone. My working hours are Mon-Fri, 1pm-8pm Central European Time.
Once we’ve settled on a date, I’ll send you a payment link to confirm your booking and a Zoom link if we’re meeting online, or a phone number to call in for your session if we’re working via phone. Especially if we’re doing a reading or healing session, make sure that you’ll be undisturbed in a quiet location with a good connection throughout.
Psychic sessions can be recorded if you prefer (for your use only), and they will always be with video off, as I’ll be in a light meditative state with eyes closed throughout.
If you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment, please get in touch 24 hrs in advance at the latest. Rescheduling is no big deal on my end, but I charge for missed sessions unless it’s an emergency.
Options for working together:
When you were born, the planets, Moon, Earth and Sun formed an absolutely unique configuration. If we took a snapshot of that moment in time, we’d be looking at your natal chart. Astrology encodes that moment in time in symbols, archetypes, metaphors and stories, which we can then use as a kind of “owner’s manual” for your life.
Psychic Sessions & Consultations
Psychic Reading
60-90 Minutes
During a reading, we can address specific questions you might have about your relationships, career, life turning points — or bigger-picture ones such as: are you aligned with your with soul’s purpose? Is your energy in balance? Where do you need to focus your efforts for growth and wellness?
Clairvoyant Healing
One Hour
Healing sessions are dedicated to approaching blocks, “stuck places” or imbalances at an energetic level, with the purpose of bringing more harmony, vibrancy, spaciousness and wholeness to your experience.
During a healing session we can focus on: emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing; on the health of a relationship, a project or goal.
This is a complementary modality and should never replace professional medical care, but can support and accompany traditional treatment.
& Healing Combo
Two Hours
Reading sessions always include a portion of healing when needed, and healing sessions can include some reading to understand underlying causes. But if your situation calls for ample time to devote to both receiving clarity on your questions and healing, I offer this combo with a small discount.
Holistic Consultation
One Hour
Consultations are coaching-style discussions to help you chart a conscious path without committing to an ongoing coaching relationship.
The content is dictated by what you’re needing to explore, clarify or integrate, whether that’s in the realm of career, relationships, purpose, personal development, spirituality, and more.
Some clients like to use these to integrate the outcome of a reading or healing session, (or other altered consciousness or mystical experiences), to learn specific tools to maintain their newfound space, to get input from my areas of expertise (“pick my brain”), or for an astrology reading.
Coaching, Healing & Consultation Packages
Holistic Coaching
3-hr. Package
Coaching sessions are designed to support your evolution and development, bringing about positive transformation and charting a course to bring your deep-held desires to life — whether that’s in a personal arena, publicly as a professional or creative, or both.
We can focus on a specific, time limited issue or project, work in an ongoing rhythm or meet on an as-needed basis.
In all cases, a big tool for our coaching work will involve using your astrological birth chart as a map to guide your next steps. Our focus is to use this insight such that your choices bring you ever deeper into alignment with the core themes your soul desires to explore and master.
Coaching sessions can also include some of the other modalities I offer inside the same session, if and when that makes sense to support the process you’re in.
To find out if we’re a good fit for coaching, make sure to read my coaching page, check out the “Are We a Fit?” section, and get in touch so we can evaluate your situation specifically.
Healing Session Packages
For those looking for continuing healing guidance and support, three- and six-hour packages are available.
More comprehensive packages also include additional consultation sessions, which will be dedicated to discussing and helping you integrate the changes created in our healing sessions through generative discussion, coaching, and/or training you in the use of energy tools to empower your ongoing self-care.
Three Sessions
1 hr. each. To be used within 3 months.
Six Sessions
1 hr. each. To be used within 6 months.
Three Sessions
& One Consultation
1 hr. each. To be used within 4 months.
Six Sessions
& One Consultation
1 hr. each. To be used within 8 months.
Holistic Consultation
Three Hours
This bundle is for those who are looking for more than a single consultation , but aren’t quite looking for coaching either: maybe it’s more of a Q&A format you need, where I share information and resources, or we just have a lot to discuss and can’t cover it in a single-hour consultation.
We can also dedicate a consultation bundle to one or more astrology readings.
We can split the bundle into the length of sessions that makes most sense. To be used within one year.